
Repent and believe in the Gospel

We have just entered Lent by the words “Repent, and believe in the Gospel” pronounced at each one of us individually. It happened at the very moment when ash was put on our forehead. In this way we have been invited to tear our hearts and to surrender them to Christ; we are invited to […]

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God touches hearts even in the middle of their decay

After all the traumas of spiritual, moral, psychological and physical leprosy, the triumph of the evil one might have been announced. This has never happened, and the world still exists. After the evil one has shown his ugliness, the ocean of consolation is again at hand. This is the evidence of the triumph of the […]

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On healing value of the hunger for God

We believe in One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church. However, when we look at the most visible side, at everything that is marked by human conditions, we do not have enough living saints so we do not have a healthy Church. If God is placed only as the background of the praise, liturgy, morality, charity, […]

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Life as A Vocation

Once we reflect on our lives in the context of Christ’s calling “follow me”, we are already changed as we allow Christ’s eyes to rest on us and to touch our hearts deeply. Once we enter into the paradigm of life as a vocation, we know that the main question for us is not how […]

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Love of God

Have you ever been asked: do you love God? Whatever we think, let us say that we do love God to some extent. Do not be afraid to say it. The first step to that love is faith. Faith opens the gate to another world, the world of God’s presence, tenderness love, call to mission. […]

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A short story of “striking appearance”(mediation)

Today we are celebrating the Epiphany of the Lord. The word “epiphany” (ἐπιφάνεια), means “manifestation”, “striking appearance”. Indeed, it is amazing to host the Divine Person who became one of us. Indeed, it is amazing to witness the unveiled, however still in faith, reality of God who became visible and tangible. Indeed it is striking […]

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Where is the baby?

Where is the baby who was in the womb of Mary against whom the enraged dragon went off to wage war? He lies in a manger. He is on the altar. He is conceived in me. Where is the baby protected by Joseph in the womb of Mary against stones of shame, despair and the […]

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In the littleness of Mary underneath the darkness God is born Herod searches the innocents the disciples escape shepherds come Magi come In Bethlehem underneath the evil the fury of rejection is stopped It only exalts the King of the Universe above the earth In the meekness of Mary God is born Who is ready […]

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Evangelisation and other areas of parish life

Evangelisation is the annunciation of the Good News about God and man. It is followed by the desire of individuals to meet Christ in the Bible and Sacraments. It is also followed by the desire to share the mutual joy of belonging to the same mystery of God being amongst us. The Visitation to St […]

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