God builds His Kingdom from our littleness

Every moment, everything can help us to find God or distract us by focusing on unimportant details. Because of that we need to find a proper balance in our life, we need to breathe God’s presence, we need to be in a close relationship with Him. This is achievable through prayer. Importantly, in Baptism, the seed of life eternal, God’s Kingdom is planted in us and we are privileged to cultivate it. Our faith is expressed in our prayer life and, prayer livens up our faith.

Sometimes we tend to ignore prayer as if it were something less important. In fact, in the littleness of our prayer life our hearts become open to the tide of grace. It is even humble prayer, let say as little as a mustard seed, which allows the word of Christ to pass through us in all its power.


Sometimes we intend to think that God needs our great skills in order to build His Kingdom. We search for best speakers, best organisers, best preachers, best managers. In fact, we need to remember and treasure that God builds His Kingdom from stones of our littleness, humble means offered to Him.


In littleness, humbleness, simplicity, and entrusting to God our hopelessness, we allow the Kingdom of God to grow in us and through us in the world. Only patience and joyfulness, goodness and awe of God’s presence in the Most Blessed Sacrament and Sacred Scripture amongst us is needed

Fr Stan

Categories: Reflections